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   地球科学のための R
     Reading GRIB format data natively by R

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投稿者 スレッド
投稿日時: 2006-1-25 13:31
登録日: 2004-7-29
居住地: 地球
投稿: 303
Re: Reading GRIB format data natively by R
There are some softwares for manipulating grib format. The most well-known software is "wgrib". But it cannot convert a grib file to a self-descriptive data file, such as netCDF.

I've found some conversion tool, which can make netCDF file from grib file. Of course, there are no interfaces to R in the following programs. But these might be useful.

1. NCL
NCL itself is not a stand-alone program. But it is a kind of library. 
This software seems to be available freely, but it is required to register 
one's informations to NCAR. And I've not tried to use it. I think its a
 python based library, and it will be helpful.

2. CDO
 CDO is a commad line based tool for linux or UNIX clone. 
And it can be freely available.

3. Xconv/convsh
 Xconv is a X based manipulating tool for grib, netCDF
 and some other format. convsh is a command line version of Xconv.
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題名 投稿者 日時
   Reading GRIB format data natively by R 2005-11-29 16:19
     BitShift Operations 2005-12-1 17:55
   » Re: Reading GRIB format data natively by R 2006-1-25 13:31


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